Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Watch What Happened When A Food Truck In NC Refused To Serve Gays (Video)

No BBQ for you.
“The Daily Show” decided to put North Carolina’s discriminatory HB2 bill ― legislation widely known as the “Bathroom Bill” ― which restricts transgender people from using the restroom that corresponds with their gender identity but which also allows businesses to discriminate based on sexual orientation ― to the test by opening a food truck that refuses to serve gay people or anyone who they simply think might be gay.  So, Roy Wood, Jr. and fellow correspondent Jordan Klepper decided to rent a food truck and create a fake barbecue company called Bone Brothers Flamin’ BBQ to show what HB2 is like in action in Raleigh, North Carolina.   The pair turned baffled customers away by saying things like “You can’t just throw it in everybody’s face, all right? We’re not going to serve you.”

The verdict? “Wow! That is so weird! It’s as if people don’t like arbitrary discrimination.”

And, yes, all of this is 100 percent legal, as the North Carolina Justice Center notes.

Q: Can a business refuse to do business with me because of my sexual orientation or gender identity?
A: Yes. HB2 excludes LGBTQ individuals from state anti-discrimination protections in public accommodations. Additionally, there is no federal law that specifically protects persons against discrimination on the basis of sex (including sexual orientation or gender identity) in public accommodations. This means that any private business
Since HB2 was passed in March, countless celebrities, politicians and businesses have called for North Carolina to revoke the law, which could reportedly cost the state billions in revenue due to boycotts.

Thanks to “The Daily Show” for pointing out just how unappetizing discrimination is ― now if only North Carolina’s leaders would do something about it.

See the Video Here : HuffingtonPost

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