Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Mayo Clinic – The Menopause Solution

A doctor's guide to relieving hot flashes, enjoying better sex, sleeping well, controlling your weight and being happy!

Mayo Clinic – The Menopause Solution provides the latest clinically proven information and a reference tool for women seeking answers to questions about what is happening before, during and after menopause.

Duration: Most women think menopause is a short-term condition, but symptoms can last for a decade or more. Although that may seem discouraging, Dr. Faubion outlines tips on how to eliminate or relieve symptoms.

Hot flashes: Hot flashes have some common triggers. Dr. Faubion encourages women to discover what their own triggers are so that they can avoid them or modify them.

Mood: Unfortunately, just because the menstrual cycle is over doesn't mean mood changes are eliminated. Dr. Faubion addresses mood issues from depression to stress.

Sex: Don’t think sex is over when menopause hits. Dr. Faubion outlines techniques to help women get their sexy back.

Sleep: Optimizing bedtime habits, eating a good diet, limiting daytime naps and exercising can help women get a good night's rest, Dr. Faubion says.

Weight gain: Weight gain happens to many women as they age. Dr. Faubion clearly explains how and why this is happening and offers strategies for controlling it.

Self-care: Dr. Faubion guides women through managing symptoms such as hair loss, unwanted hair, dry eyes and skin changes, and she suggests ways women can pamper themselves.

Order today and receive a FREE downloadable guide to better health – a $5.95 value!

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