Saturday, September 24, 2016

Is Peanut Butter Good for You?

Few foods can satisfy both salty and sweet cravings, bring back warm childhood memories, and fit into most any meal of the day the way peanut butter can. Americans eat about 4 pounds of it per person per year.  But years of fat phobia and assumptions that foods that taste rich or indulgent can’t possibly be part of a healthy diet have left many people wondering: Is peanut butter good for you?

“We all grew up with it, and we loved it, and guess what—it really is good for you,” says Joan Salge Blake, EdD, RD, clinical associate professor of nutrition at Boston University. Like all nut butters, peanut butter is
a convenient source of protein, and it comes packaged with an added bonus that is rare for protein foods: Fiber, about 2 grams per 2-tablespoon serving. This nutrient can help you feel fuller longer, helps keep your digestion system in good working order, and may lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health.

Peanut butter also packs additional heart-health benefits thanks to the monounsaturated fat it contains. Monounsaturated fat type can help lower “bad” LDL cholesterol. “The type of fat in peanut butter is the fat we want,” says Blake. That’s one reason why you might want to steer clear of low-fat peanut butter— you’re cutting back on the very nutrient that makes peanut butter especially good for you. These products also often have added sugars to make them more palatable, and can pack just as many calories as regular peanut butter.

Peanut butter is also a decent source of magnesium, with 14 percent of your daily need in 2 tablespoons. This mineral is important for glucose metabolism, and research shows that people who have higher intakes of magnesium have a significantly lower risk for diabetes. Increasing magnesium may also help reduce stroke risk and build bone density in older women.

When you’re choosing a peanut butter, keep this in mind: The benefits come from the peanuts themselves. And many peanut butters do contain nothing more than nuts and maybe some salt. As brands begin to add in other ingredients like sugars for sweetness and hydrogenated or palm oil to keep the product from separating, they displace some of the nutrients from the peanuts. (Check labels: even “natural” products may not be just peanuts and salt.) Though nuts-only products are your healthiest bet, it’s not the end of the world if you only like the peanut butter you grew up with. “Take comfort in knowing that ingredients like salt, sugars, and oils are used in very small amounts in peanut butters,” says Blake. As for creamy or crunchy, it’s your choice.

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