Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Finally, WWE Raw is Getting It Right With Kevin Owens And Roman Reigns

For much of Owens’ career, Kevin Owens has been portrayed as the really good upper midcard guy who consistently has great matches but supposedly couldn’t be the guy because he didn’t have six-pack abs or movie star good looks for most of his career.

Well, not anymore.

A couple of weeks ago, after Owens won the Universal Championship , WWE has moved full steam ahead with pushing him as the Raw brand’s top star, and on this week’s episode of Raw, that came at the expense of Reigns, who took a rare pinfall loss to Owens in the show’s main event, though after Rusev distracted.

Monday was a great night for those fans who are sick and tired sseing Reigns over WWE’s main event picture due to his(Reigns) dominance and want to see someone new get a chance in that spot.

Owens won. Reigns lost. And in the process, Owens vs. Seth Rollins was set as the WWE Clash of Champions as it should be.
At least for now, Reigns, who has been a mainstay in the main event for the last two years, settled back into an upper midcard spot where he belongs. At least for now.

Plenty of fans criticize Reigns as someone who can’t wrestle, but that criticism is unfair and unwarranted.Note, this isn’t meant to bash Reigns. Reigns has proven time and time again in matches against guys like Brock Lesnar and AJ Styles that he’s a big match performer who delivers the good when the stakes are the highest.

Rather, it’s great to see someone other than Reigns get a shot to hold Raw’s top title both because it will help that superstar (Owens in this case) become an even bigger one while also giving Reigns the chance to perform in a spot where the pressure is lower, where the criticism isn’t as intense and where he will be able to win back the fans who have turned on him over the years


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