Saturday, September 17, 2016

Facts every woman should know "Ways to destroy belly fat "

 The belly is one of the worst locations to house excess body fat. For some reason, it's easier for dudes to get away with a beer belly. But bonus weight around a woman's gut is the quickest way to get asked when the baby is due by someone who doesn't know that's the one thing you should never ask a female. To avoid that kind of awkward situation, here are seven sure-fire ways to target and destroy
belly fat.

Drink more water while you're at it 
 If only this list was made up entirely of booze. Alas, good old H2O will have to do. There are about eight million reasons water can help you shore up your core, but the main benefit is that it just fills you up. Researchers found that the more their study groups drank, the more weight they lost compared to other groups. Try subbing out sugary drinks here and there to zero-calorie water

Go to bed earlier

 Diet and exercise are great and all, but they're hard. That's why it's amazing that one of the best ways to trim your tummy is simply by getting the proper amount of sleep. When you don't get enough sleep, your hormones get fried and your body releases cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone, and what do we all do when we're stressed? We stress eat.

Coconut oil can help

 There are a bunch of fancy, science-y words to explain exactly how, but in layman's terms, coconut oil kickstarts your metabolism. The boost in energy helps you break down more fats, especially the more dangerous ones in your belly region.

Yogurt for the win
 There are two things you need to know to understand why yogurt is a key part of the war against belly fat. First, researchers have demonstrated that increasing your calcium intake can help you burn more fat. Second, replacing high-sugar foods in your diet with more protein can help you feel fuller longer, curbing your appetite. The secret here is that yogurt is a delicious source of both protein and calcium.

Reach for the peanut butter

 Monounsaturated fats can help you lose weight and they're super good for your heart. Not to mention, peanut better tastes great and leaves you feeling satisfied for an extended period of time.

Add some dark chocolate to your menu

 Now, before you finish this article and immediately start your tequila and dark chocolate diet, remember that moderation is crucial. Researchers aren't recommending a plate full of candy bars, but a small amount of dark chocolate before and after meals that can help curb insulin spikes that turn off your body's fat-burning processes.

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