Saturday, September 17, 2016

Healthy Tips: 6 Habits That Are Ageing You (Photos)

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that Botox injections for males increased 312 percent from 2000 to 2012 and the New York Times declared the business of male cosmetics a "bull market." The secret is out: men care about how they look as they age. You may not be quite ready for needles or concealer but there are plenty of other things you can do look younger. Here are just a few, revealed by Dr. Cameron Rokhsar, an assistant professor of dermatology at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine.

 According to Hodes, M.D of National Institute on Aging (NIA)
“People are living longer, but that does not necessarily mean that they are living healthier.
 1. Skipping Skin Moisturizers

Just using any old soap to wash your skin is not the best way to preserve your appearance. "A lot of guys don't understand the importance of skin care," says Dr. Cameron Rokhsar. Dry skin is a particular blind spot for men. They often use soaps that strip their skin of its top layer of oils. The resulting dry skin can emphasize wrinkles and make skin appear dull. To combat dryness, Rokhsar recommends moisturizing post-shower (and whenever your skin feels dry). He also says that anti-aging creams containing retinol, vitamin C, or growth factor may be worth trying.

2. Poor Nutrition
Research suggests that eating too many processed foods or unhealthy fats can have a big impact on appearance. A study published in PLOS ONE found that eating approximately three extra portions of fruit and vegetables for six weeks was enough to make people appear healthier and more attractive. Rokhsar recommends a diet high in fruits, vegetables, omega fats, and antioxidants, which can help your skin, muscles, and brain stay fit. Foods like fatty fish, blueberries, and leafy greens fall in these categories.

3.Sleeping Too Little
Science has pretty much nailed down that people need about 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. Not getting enough Z's can make you more prone to catching cold and developing obesity and cardiovascular diseases. Proper sleep habits are important for optimal functioning of many of our organs. Since our biggest organ is our skin, sleep also affects our appearance. Lack of it can bring about dark circles, paler skin, and drooping in the corners of the mouth.

4.Lack of Exercise

 This one is a bit of a double-edged sword. Generally, exercising is going to make you look younger. "Exercise provides proper blood flow to all the organ systems, including the skin," says Rokhsar. Aside from helping your skin, it can also keep your muscles from deteriorating and may even slow the onslaught of graying hair and balding. However, losing too much weight can give people a hollowed-out appearance that makes them look older. The advice: Make sure to implement a balanced mix of cardio and weight training.

5. Not Using Sunscreen

 A recent study from the Annals of Internal Medicine found that over 4.5 years, people who used sunscreen daily showed 24 percent less skin aging than those who used it as they liked. "UV radiation causes the breakdown of both collagen and elastic tissue, causing wrinkling as well as [loss of] elasticity of the skin," says Rokhsar. If you think you're saving yourself by slathering on the aloe after forgetting your SPF, you're not. That is only cooling the burn, not battling the effects, says Rokhsar. So use sunscreen every day, whether you're on the beach or simply commuting to work.

6. Smoking

 Several studies have shown that smoking can have a significant negative impact on your looks. "Smoking decreases the blood supply as well as nutrients that the blood supply provides to the deep layers of the skin," says Rokhsar. This can lead to a loss of elasticity and extra wrinkles. Plus, smokers often develop unattractive lines around their lips (although too much straw use can cause these too). The sooner a person quits smoking, the better off they'll be but some damage may be permanent

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